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mosCura Configurator is a tool that can be used to create communication protocols among different tools in the production cycle.

In the configurator, there are options to create a totally new configuration from scratch and export it into a CSV file, or to import an existing configuration in order to validate and update the existing configuration in the machine.

In the picture below is an example of a Configurator with a finished configuration:

Configuration Setup

Before you proceed reading the process of a new configuration setup, it is recommended to read the Rules of the Configurator.

Configuration Process

The following steps are the process of how to create a Section Group Configuration.

  1. Create a new Section Group
  2. Add 1 Data Handler
  3. Add 1 or multiple Item Groups in the Section Group
  4. Add 1 or multiple Items in each Item Group

mosCura Configurator

In the Configurator page, it is possible to edit or delete the Section Group and create, edit or delete Data Handler, Item Group and Items.

Moreover, there are options to export the configuration or to import an existing configuration.

Section Group

Section Group

Data Handler

Data Handler

Item Group

Item Group



Export configuration

In this version of the mosCura Configurator, a functionality of exporting a configuration into a CSV file has been added.

  1. To export the selected configuration, click the left button moscura_config_button1.png on the top panel in the right corner
  2. Afterwards,you have to select the type of separator, the delimiter type for the decimal values of the configuration, and if you want the CSV to have Headers, press “Export to CSV”

Import configuration

  1. In this version of mosCura Configurator, there is also the option to import an existing configuration from a CSV file or a Text file
  2. To import an existing configuration, you should click the middle button moscura_config_button2.png on the top panel at the right side
  3. When you have clicked the button, a new window will open. Now you have to select the type of the separator, the type of the delimiter, the type of the file, and browse to the location of the file and press “Import”
    1. If the import process is successful, the imported configuration will replace the existing configuration
    2. If the configuration contains any errors, the error(s) will be displayed in the importation window, as well as the line numbers of the file where the error(s) have occurred


Below are rules, which we have set in mosCura Configurator, and the user should follow them in order to create a successful configuration:

  • Section Group No. must be between 1 and 99.
  • Item Group No. must be between 1 and 999.
  • Item No. must be 4 characters long fx "0001".
  • A Section group can have 1 or none Data Handler.
  • A Data Handler can have up to three Items.