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9. Guide


The guide service allows you to see the guide in setup. In the first section, a guide workflow is shown.

An overview of the guide:


  • TestIT Home button Home - go back to the home page
  • Add guide Add guide - add a new guide

9.1 Guide workflow

The figure below shows the general guide workflow.

Explanation of the steps:

START Starting a guide can be done in two ways;
- Internal
- External
GUIDE STEP There are different types of guide steps
OK The OK step can be any step in the guide.
The action can be:
- OK button pressed
- OK I/O set
NOK The NOK step can be any step in the guide.
The action can be:
- NOK button pressed
- NOK I/O set
- Next validation fails
BACK The back step can be any step in the guide. The action will be a Back button pressed.
GUIDE STEP (last) The OK of the last guide step, depends on which guide is running.
- Internal is going to close after the last step. Set the OK step to a guide number, NOT in the guide.
- External is going to start over after the last step. Set the OK step to the appropriate guide step.
- External is going to close after the last step. Set the OK step to a guide which tells the user to close the guide.

9.1.1 Guide step flow

The figure shows an overview of a guide step flow, like where the validation of the workflow is:

Explanation of the flow:

INIT VALIDATION Before opening the guide step, the init validation is running.
- If the validation is OK, the guide step will open
- If the validation is not ok, the init validation NOK step will be opened
GUIDE STEP The actual guide step is opened
RELEASE VALIDATION The release validation is running while the step is open.
- If the validation is OK, the OK button will be released
- If a next release I/O is selected, it will be set on validation OK
- If a validation success message is set, this will be shown on validation OK
NEXT VALIDATION If OK button is pressed or OK I/O set, the next validation will be running
- If a timer is set, it will start

- If the validation is OK, the next guide step will open
- If not, the validation will keep running for the timeout period

- If the timeout runs out, the timeout message will be shown or the timeout step will be opened

9.2 Add guide

9.3 The guides

9.4 How to run a guide

9.5 Guide steps